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At Christ Church we have a team of 6 Sacristans and we work in pairs. 


Our duties involve setting up for the Services and tidying up afterwards, as most of the work is done before the congregation arrive and after they leave. Not many people are aware of the Sacristans.


Our duties start on Saturday when we clean the silver, put out the candles, wafers and wine along with the appropriate linen. We make sure that the correct readings are marked in the Lectionary and the Gospel Book for the Sunday Services. The ordering of the wine, wafers and candles is also part of the Sacristans' duties.


In addition, the Head Sacristan checks the linen, does the laundry which involves a lot of starching. Also makes sure that the Vestments, Altar Frontal, Chasuble, Stole, Burse and Chalice Veil are the correct colour for the season and the special Holy days that we celebrate.

Priest's Desk
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